PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)

Innovative solution for anti-aging and stimulating hair growth
PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is widely-recognized as an all-in-one solution for anti-aging. Use of PRP in cosmetic treatments has helped to restore fullness to the aging face, prompt hair-growth in sparse areas, and decrease the appearance of lines and creases.

The process begins by drawing whole blood and then using a centrifuge to separate out the red cells. The remaining platelet-rich plasma is what’s used in the facial process. It’s this plasma that is used to inject back into the treatment area (via microneedling on face, neck and hands, and via syringe into the scalp).

PRP for Face, Neck and Neckline (120 min) $450

An RPR facial uses your own blood’s platelets and plasma as the treatment. Once the plasma is in, it begins to do its work of rejuvenating your entire face, tightening wrinkled areas, and smoothing the overall look. It’s able to do that because PRP’s essential chemical components stimulate collagen growth.

After utilizing your plasma and our microneedling too, we continue with LED light therapy, and finalized with the application of hydration serum with hyaluronic acid, hydroplastic mask, toner, eye cream, lip serum and restructuring cream.
Some people opt to have just one facial while others undergo a regular series of procedures. The more often you have a PRP facial, the longer the results of each treatment will last, which is about three to six months.

Special offer: 4 sessions $1400 (this also includes a complimentary facial!)

PRP for Hair Treatment $350 / 4 SESSIONS FOR $1260

PRP via injection is used to treat the scalp area. This therapy increases blood supply to hair follicles, stimulating growth and increasing hair thickness.

Hand rejuvenation with PRP (80 min) $220/ 4 sessions for $795

This treatment follows the same procedure as the PRP facial but only involves the hands.


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